In our life one day’s, we have found some occurence which abstraction and real. A occurence named by abstraction of if that occurence is difficult in understanding or comprehended by others. While visible occurence of real is event occurence which can be comprehended by others without old time need to comprehend
In congeniality of to uncover the phenomena of there are various type of is nature of human being which is because of above occurence. Between : trauma, readiness, motivate the, prediction, feeling, attitude and determinant.
Trauma can be interpreted by fearsome one to an occurence which have faced of like at lecturing psykologi learn the mathematics of two week ago. lecture intentionally do the emotion game of so that can submit the items by student is claimed to earn the fell of how to uncover the phenomena.
Readiness is an somebody behaviour which is in context of to uncover the phenomena is the readiness of arising out of effect of inplus which is in giving by somebody causing our x'self ready to by what will be submitted by the somebody.
Motivation earn in interpreting something that make the us wish to do something matter or something matter pushing somebody to more impetous in working. Ordinary such as those which in doing by many lecture in UNY which always give the motivation to its student in each every lecturing
Prediction can be interpreted by that human being earn the prediction of an occurence by what have experienced of empirically owned of, like student of mathematics education which always earn the prediction of what will in facing the student.
Felling can be interpreted to feel an matter which natural medium of. Feeling directly is bitter what is called race, sweet, sour, and its his crispy is world. As does child - child which is learn, they have to can feel directly what medium learning of.
Matter - above matter is some of glimpse or effect from what we mention the to uncover the phenomena. Still a lot of matter - other matter becoming effect from to uncover the phenomena. This problem of vital importance for student of because matter - matter the above is true which can develop the spirit from the student